By signing up, you will get these 6 IFS webinars:

Where shamanism and psychotherapy meet
During this webinar, you will learn:
- What do shamanism and psychotherapy have in common, and what are the most important differences between them,
- What modern psychotherapists can gain from opening up to Indigenous practices,
- What shamans can learn from the way psychotherapy is done these days.

Distinguishing Self-like parts from Self-Energy in IFS therapy
During this webinar, you will learn:
- What are Self-like parts and why spotting them is a crucial step in IFS therapy,
- Why it’s so easy to make the mistake of thinking that our client is in Self-energy while a Self-like part is active,
- Ways to distinguish Self-like parts (SLPs) from Self-energy.

Difficult protectors as our heroes
During this webinar, you will learn:
- Why „difficult” protectors are so difficult to work with,
- Why for our internal system these protectors should be seen more like heroes than obstacles,
- How long does it take to unblend from an extreme protector,
- What are Mike’s strategies for working with fierce protectors.

Creating an Inner Healing Circle of Protectors in IFS Therapy
During this webinar, you will learn:
- How to work with protectors in IFS therapy to shift their perceptions about the exiles,
- About Paul’s strategy of creating an Inner Healing Circle of Protectors,
- How this strategy helps heal our exiles in a deep way.

IFS & Psychedelic therapy
During this webinar, you will:
- Hear Robert Falconer’s story about how he has begun exploring psychedelics
- Discover why he believes IFS therapy is a great fit with the psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy,
- Learn in what ways IFS can benefit your work with psychedelics both in your own journeys and in your work with your clients,
- Gain a deeper understanding of the most important aspects of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy

6 Tools for Better IFS Therapy Integration
During this webinar, you will learn:
- Different ways of integrating IFS-based therapy,
- 6 tools to track the healing progress and to engage parts in inner work in between sessions,
- About the history behind Daily Parts Meditation Practice,
- How integration can benefit IFS-based therapy for clients, therapists and practitioners, and how to create more space for Self in your life.