Robert Falconer

For the past decade or more Robert Falconer has devoted himself full-time to IFS work (Internal Family Systems Therapy). In that time he has attended all levels of IFS training offered, and has been a program assistant more than 18 times.


Bob has been at many workshops and events with Richard Schwartz both as assistant and participant. In addition to studying with many of the other senior IFS trainers, he also co-authored a book with Richard Schwartz entitled: Many Minds, One Self. For all of his therapeutic work, both professional and personal, Bob now uses IFS almost exclusively.


Before this Bob used and explored many forms of therapy, starting with Ericksonian hypnotherapy which he studied with Carol Erickson. He received his master’s degree and hypnotherapist certificate under her tutelage. Then he met and began studying with Jack and Helen Watkins, the creators of Ego State Therapy.


Before beginning his graduate work, starting in 1971, Bob was involved with the Esalen Institute where he has attended more than 120 events and workshops.

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