Parts/Work Breath/Work Retreat in Bali
1-8 March 2024, facilitated by LaDonna Silva and Pablo Castro.
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During this retreat, we are bringing Somatic Parts Work and Breathwork together to facilitate a transformative healing journey for mental health professionals.
This will be an 8-day experience of going deep with breathing and other somatic IFS practices. You will be able to create space for whatever is happening within you, and attend to it with trusted guidance. It will be like coming home to yourself - a spacious welcome to all that needs attention.
The work we will do will allow you to embody more compassionate presence in your therapy room, and give you a set of cutting-edge tools, inviting your practice to the next level.
You will learn:
- how to use somatic parts work to facilitate altered states of consciousness (including working with psychedelics) - for preparation, the experience itself, and integration;
- how to use breath to deepen your work with parts of yourself and to regulate your nervous system as you work with your clients;
- how breathing techniques can support psychotherapy - for example, how to guide your clients in using breath so that they can get in touch with their parts easier;
- the basics of Somatic IFS with it’s 6 phases, with a focus on breath;
- the basics of Conscious Connected Breathwork and it’s applications in psychotherapy;
- how to tap into the wisdom of your body by using breath and other somatic practices.
Retreat Leaders:
LaDonna Silva (she/her), LMFT is Process Therapist, an IFS Approved Clinical Consultant, a Level 3 Certified IFS Therapist and a member of the Somatic IFS Staff with Susan McConnell. She has been seeing clients for over 18 years and has been on her own healing journey for the last 34 years. She specializes in trauma, sexual abuse/violence, grief, couples work, group work and working with the LGBTQI+ community.
Pablo Castro, a Breathwork Practitioner and Trainer. His passion for the felt sense and water therapy is at the core of what he shares with one to one’s and groups around the world. He’s been a lead trainer with Alchemy of Breath for 4 years, and is based in Bali.