Healing Through Generations: Ancient Wisdom, Ancestral Healing and IFS therapy in Treating Intergenerational Trauma
Get access to the recordings of this online workshop series (no time limits).
This workshop series will not qualify for CEs or IFS CEs.
Tatiana Dávila -
experiential activities:
It didn’t start with you
So much of what we carry in our bodies and minds is not ours. If we like it or not, we are containers for what our ancestors have experienced.
Intergenerational trauma, also known as generational or ancestral trauma, refers to the transmission of psychological and emotional wounds from one generation to another. This concept suggests that the trauma experienced by individuals or communities can have lasting effects that impact subsequent generations, even if those later generations didn’t directly experience the traumatic events themselves.
In order to become better mental health professionals, we need to open up to the idea that a person's history isn’t the only place we should be looking for the roots of trauma.
Transmitting the trauma
The transmission of intergenerational trauma can occur through various mechanisms.
One primary mechanism is through family dynamics and the way trauma survivors interact with their children and grandchildren.
Another mechanism is biology - emerging research in epigenetics suggests that trauma can leave a biological imprint on a person's genes, affecting the genes of their offspring.
Intergenerational trauma can also manifest in cultural and societal contexts. Communities that have experienced historical trauma may exhibit patterns of collective suffering that may show up in their everyday lives and ways of functioning.
Integrating various tools
Because the transmission mechanisms of intergenerational trauma are varied, it’s important that you have a set of effective therapeutic modalities that allow you to address a particular type of trauma. During this workshop series, we will present the most effective therapy tools that deal with ancestral trauma:
- First, Daphne Fatter, a Certified IFS therapist, will introduce IFS therapy with the Legacy Burdens protocol, which was designed to deal with emotional burdens that are not ours. Then, she will present the Ancestral Healing modality created by Daniel Floor.
- Then, Tatiana Dávila, a Gestalt therapist from Ecuador, will share how ancestral wisdom that comes from the Andes and the jungle, integrated with family constellations, can work together to release transgenerational trauma.
- Finally, Monique Lang will introduce her Earth-Based Psychotherapy - an attempt to weave together the practices of indigenous people with modern psychotherapy techniques.
Workshop Schedule
Workshop 1
Monique, Daphne, Tatiana
Daphne about this workshop:
This workshop will be an introduction to exploring intergenerational trauma through an ancestral lens and the beginning of this 5 session series. In this workshop, you will meet the three speakers for the series that will address approaching intergenerational trauma through a variety of approaches over the course of the series, including Internal Family Systems (IFS), working with a well ancestral guide in IFS, and through Ancestral Lineage Healing, honoring ancestral wisdom from the Andes and integrating family constellations for transgenerational healing and utilizing Earth-based psychotherapy. In this initial workshop, participants will be guided in meditation, and an overview of intergenerational trauma will be presented, including a review of research to date as well as more application of this work. In addition, participants will be guided through an opening ritual exercise.
Workshop 2
Daphne Fatter
Daphne about her workshop:
The pandemic, ongoing crises across the world, and the ever-increasing demand for mental health services have created a perfect storm for compassion fatigue, therapist burnout, and vicarious trauma. Our systems as therapists often carry heirlooms and legacy burdens about what it means to be in the healer role, what it means to give and serve others, and what it means to self-sacrifice. Legacy burdens can be informed by previous generations, our own cultural identities, and also based on the larger dominant culture and systems we live in.
This workshop will invite you to explore heirlooms and legacy burdens through an IFS lens. You will explore heirlooms related to your cultural identities and social location. This can provide a better understanding of internal systems of parts connected with culturally based strengths.
You will explore and identify trailheads for parts carrying legacy burdens related to being a therapist and in the healer/helper role. Legacy burdens related to our therapist roles often get overlooked, and yet they may be driving our systems, particularly in how we show up relationally. This workshop will include case examples of therapists’ inner systems to describe the process of applying IFS for exploring legacy burdens for therapists.
Workshop 3
Daphne Fatter
Daphne about her workshop:
In healing intergenerational trauma with IFS, the question “Is Self enough?” can emerge. This workshop will provide a paradigm shift by introducing a practice of partnering with protective guides and ancestral guides to support IFS therapy.
The method of ancestral lineage healing (ALH), based on the work of Dr. Daniel Foor, will be discussed. Assumptions about the dead, including our ancestors, will be presented, as well as the multiple ways ancestors can impact our parts. You will learn what clinical issues can greatly benefit from integrating ALH practice with IFS.
In this workshop, you will experientially practice befriending a protective guide. You will be introduced to ways to relate to parts with an intergenerational lens, including when working with polarizations in IFS, attachment trauma, and legacy burdens. You will learn at what points to invite in ancestral guides in the IFS steps and ways that ALH and IFS can be integrated.
Workshop 4
Tatiana Dávila
Tatiana about her workshop:
My work is connecting with the spirit soul of the family and releasing the memories, traumatic energy, pains, and suffering that still affects us as the new generations in our daily life. My tools come from Family Constellation Therapy and Ancestral wisdom, also known as shamanism.
During this workshop, I will share my point of view about the spirit realm and the way I work with spirits. The participants will be introduced to how ancestral wisdom from the Andes and the jungle, integrated with family constellations, can work together to release transgenerational trauma.
Workshop 5
Monique Lang
Monique about her workshop:
In this introductory workshop, participants will receive an overview of what Earth Based Psychotherapy is. In weaving together the ancient embodied healing practices of indigenous cultures with the more scientific thought-focused paradigm of our culture, we create a tapestry that allows our clients to heal their trauma in a more profound way than by only using narrative/thinking models typically used in psychotherapy.
Learn how to heal Intergenerational Trauma
with Ancient Wisdom, Ancestral Healing and IFS Therapy
A series of 5 IFS online workshops with Daphne Fatter, Monique Lang, Tatiana Dávila
Bring healing to people struggling with Intergenerational Trauma
By signing up for "Healing Through Generations: Ancient Wisdom, Ancestral Healing and IFS therapy in Treating Intergenerational Trauma" workshop series, you get:
- All-time access to the workshop recordings – no time limits,
- Training materials ready for printing,
- Opportunity to participate in unique ceremonies led by Daphne, Monique, and Tatiana,
- Certificate of Completion.
1. Introduction: What is Intergenerational Trauma?
During this workshop with Monique, Daphne and Tatiana, we will:
- Take part in an opening ritual.
- Learn what intergenerational trauma is and the research behind it.
- Discover why it’s important to address this type of trauma.
- Cover the approaches for dealing with it:
- Tatiana: Overview - speaking to the heart.
- Daphne: Research - speaking to the mind.
- Monique: Bridging - how those concepts can be applied.
2. IFS Therapy
& Legacy Burdens
During this workshop with Daphne, we will:
- Develop an understanding of legacy burdens and heirlooms from the Internal Family Systems (IFS) perspective.
- Deepen knowledge of how to know a part is carrying a legacy and/or personal burden.
- Demonstrate how to use IFS for mental health providers’ self-care.
- Identify trailheads for further exploration of heirlooms and legacy burdens.
- Become more aware of the heirlooms you embody.
- Apply IFS-informed exercises to your own system to learn about parts that carry legacy burdens.
- Practice befriending parts from an intergenerational lens.
- Learn various ways to explore heirlooms and legacy burdens with your clients.
3. Ancestral Healing
During this workshop with Daphne, we will:
- Learn the 5 steps of the Ancestral Lineage Healing (ALH).
- Gain knowledge of ALH’s 5 assumptions in working with the deceased, including our ancestors.
- Experientially practice preparation steps for IFS-informed ancestral lineage healing.
- Learn about the multiple ways ancestors can impact our parts.
- Gain knowledge of the intersections of ancestral lineage healing and IFS.
- Learn how to develop a relationship with your own protective guides.
- Discover ways to create energetic boundaries.
- Deepen the understanding of your part's response to guides.
4. Ancestral Wisdom, Family Constellations
During this workshop with Tatiana, we will:
- Discover how ancestral wisdom from the Andes and the jungle, integrated with family constellations, can work together to release transgenerational trauma.
- Be introduced to the ritual that, in Tatiana’s traditions, opens the spirit realm to work with.
- Include new ways to see how transgenerational traumas affect our lives.
- Connect with your family, soul, and ancestors.
- Share tales about the spirit realm that bring clarity about how we can work with the energy of the spirits, healing the transgenerational traumas.
- Learn what is an altar, how to create an altar, and how to activate the altar to bring transgenerational healing.
- Create an offering to our ancestors and the spirit soul of our family.
Workshop 5: Earth-Based Psychotherapy
During this workshop with Monique, we will:
- Connect with the 4 elements: earth, air, water, fire and how they can be used to release ancestral trauma.
- Learn how to help clients connect with beliefs and decisions they have received from their lineage (ancestors) and how to shed those that don’t serve them, using earth based practices.
- Learn how to bridge the narrative aspect of psychotherapy with the embodied experience of releasing negative constructs.
- Discover how to connect with guides, helpers, angels, power animals, etc., as support in the therapeutic process.
- Understand what is a Ceremony and how to co-create one with their clients.
At the end of this workshop, there will be a closing ceremony with Monique, Daphne, and Tatiana to honor our five-week journey.
See what others say about the Teachers
I don’t know why I arrived at the doors of Tatiana’s house, but destiny was written, I made constellations with her, and my life has been changing noticeably, I have cut off family agreements, and patterns that blocked me in my life began to break. I began to wake up, love and heal wounds, resentments that were not mine, I learned to detach myself and manage my life more consciously, so I stay, now flowing, I feel light and full of light and serenity. Always grateful.
Tania Abad
Participating in one of Monique’s workshops was a joy! Monique created an environment that was educational, playful, spirited, and engaging. Her intuitive and unique style had me immediately connecting with myself and then with other members. I left knowing that I had grown both personally and professionally. I can’t wait for the next one!
A month ago, I went to a Family Constellation with Taty and I can see a real change in my mental habits, attitudes and perception of my life and family. I think Taty merges Andean Shamanism, Deep Psychology and an empathy that creates a secure environment, and I could see all the people in the circle free to express themselves and to heal what they came to heal. I would and will repeat this experience because it is full of magic and deep healing.
Ricardo Veintimilla
It’s difficult to put into words what is expressed through Monique’s constant, empathic nurturance, guidance, and wisdom. She has supported me in both professional and personal endeavors, seeing me through tough patches and triumphs, always doing by being. Her knowledge is understated but profound, her humor a delight, her life experience an inspiration. I owe her very much but I know she will never collect the debt; instead, she would encourage me to pay it forward.
Heather Herz, LCSW
Who is this workshop for?
If you want to learn about Ancient Wisdom, Ancestral Healing, and IFS Therapy in Treating Intergenerational Trauma to help yourself and others in the healing process, this workshop is for you.
During the workshop, teachers will refer to Internal Family Systems Model (IFS), and other therapeutic modalities.
Any prior knowledge about those areas isn't required, but it can deepen your understanding of discussed topics.
How it works
The workshop was held live in October and November 2023.
The whole process has been structured so you can go through it at any time, at your own pace. Explore almost 12 hours of video material - it's important that you find the right space to immerse yourself in this process.
The recording contains didactics, so you will be able to do personal work in your own time.
Remember that you get unlimited access to the workshop recordings, which means you will be able to view them in a year or even in a few years.
Up to 48 hours after purchase, if you are not completely satisfied just let us know about it. We will give you a full refund. You are not required to give any reason. You have nothing to lose!
A detailed description of experiential activities:
Please note that the teacher will respond to the needs of the group and because of that, the chosen activities may change
Personal practice
Personal practice means working on your own, usually with a piece of paper, after hearing the instructions explained by the teacher. These exercises may be various - sometimes you will be invited to communicate with your parts by journalling, sometimes you will do a drawing exercise (like mapping your parts). Other times you will get a more complex set of instructions and 10 or 15 minutes to do a piece of the process on your own.
Sharing and discussions in small groups (usually triads)
We usually do it after guided meditation and/or after personal practice. We go to breakout rooms and meet in small groups (3 or 4 participants) to share our experiences in a safe space. It is a great opportunity to meet new people and deepen the feeling of connection. This activity is optional - you can stay in the main room.
Guided meditations
Guided meditation is an internal practice that you do with closed eyes, following the teacher's voice. The teacher will invite you to sit back, relax, and focus on your inner world. You will meet your parts, talk to them, and often learn things you weren't aware of before. Guided meditation can allow you to do a significant piece of inner work.
Unique ceremonies
During this workshop series, the teachers will create an opening and closing ritual for the participants.
Learn how to heal Intergenerational Trauma
with Ancient Wisdom, Ancestral Healing and IFS Therapy
A series of 5 IFS online workshops with Daphne Fatter, Monique Lang, Tatiana Dávila
Bring healing to people struggling with Intergenerational Trauma
By signing up for "Healing Through Generations: Ancient Wisdom, Ancestral Healing and IFS therapy in Treating Intergenerational Trauma" workshop series, you get:
- All-time access to the workshop recordings – no time limits,
- Training materials ready for printing,
- Opportunity to participate live in unique ceremonies led by Daphne, Monique, and Tatiana,
- Certificate of Completion.