6 Tools for Better IFS Therapy Integration
Discover new ways of integrating IFS Therapy with Michelle Glass, author of "Daily Parts Meditation Practice©: A Journey of Embodied Integration for Clients and Therapists".
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Webinar Highlights
During this webinar you will discover new ways of integrating IFS therapy both for yourself and for clients. You will discover how to create more space for Self in your life, work and in relationships, by building secure attachment between Self and parts.
You will:
- Learn different ways of integrating IFS-based therapy,
- Discover 6 tools the track the healing progress and to engage parts in inner work in between sessions,
- Find out about the history behind Daily Parts Meditation Practice,
- Gain better understanding of how integration can benefit IFS-based therapy for clients, therapists and practitioners.
Opinions about Michelle's workshops
Richard Schwartz about Daily Parts Meditation Practice
“While the importance of this between-session work became increasingly clear, I lacked tools to give clients to help them organize this process or inspire their creativity in it.
Michelle Glass of almost all the people I knew, she had the most experience. As I travel around the world teaching IFS, I hear frequently from IFS clients who have been using the DPMP and loving it. I also hear from IFS therapists that they not only are having good results when their clients use it, but that they are finding it helpful for their own parts work.
Either way, this book and process will deeply enhance your journey toward being Self-led." - Richard Schwartz, PhD, Founder of IFS.